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Motor Mount Shims

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Find enduring performance, convenient color coding, and trouble-free alignment with Artus motor mount shims.

We use the finest grade materials to withstand the pressures of continued use. Color-coded plastic and color-coded aluminum motor shims are available for sale below. Stainless steel shims are available by requesting a quote.

All standard orders come in packs of 20. Or select ‘mini-chest’ for slotted shim sets of 180 shims in assorted thicknesses.

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SKU: motor-mount-shims Categories: , ,


Artus has been a leader in manufacturing high-quality, economical shims since 1941. Our motor mount shims are optimized to improve machine performance and save you time.

  • Built to last with the finest grade plastic and metal materials
  • Precision manufactured for exact leveling and alignment
  • Color-coded in plastic and aluminum for quicker installation
  • Produced in-house for quick delivery and cost-effectiveness

The mini-chest slotted shim set includes 20 of each of the following thicknesses: 0.002″, 0.003″, 0.004″, 0.005″, 0.10″, 0.015″, 0.020″, 0.030″, and 0.060″. In addition to our standard sizes, we also manufacture custom motor shims quickly and economically. For custom slotted shims, please send us your specifications. We can cut shims to the shapes and sizes you require. What is a motor mount shim? A motor mount shim is a thin, slotted piece of material, such as metal or plastic, that is used to fill the gap between the engine mount and the engine mount bracket. Motor mount shims are often used in automotive applications to help adjust the engine’s position within the engine compartment. When a motor mount shim is installed, it can change the angle and position of the engine, allowing for precise adjustments. This can be useful when trying to align the engine with other components, such as the transmission or exhaust system, or when trying to correct for any engine vibration or noise. Motor mount shims can also help to compensate for any wear or damage to the engine mount bracket or the engine mount itself. It should be noted that motor shims must be replaced as wear presents itself. Need shims or gaskets? Visit our shim and gasket product page.

The Color Tells the Thickness

Color-coded products are available in aluminum and plastic for your convenience. Each color represents a specific shim thickness, making distinguishing between thicknesses quick and easy. With variations in shim thickness being as little as 0.00025”, differentiating by the color instead of measuring motor mount shims drastically saves time and reduces errors. Save time and money on the production floor with Artus high-quality motor shims today.

For personalized customer service, call (201) 568-1000 or fill in the RFQ form here, and a representative will contact you.

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Artus has been making shims, gaskets, and shim stock since 1941. By now, our process is optimized to be cost-effective while also maintaining an expert level of consistency and reliability. We are capable of providing you with custom shim solutions, and we deliver worldwide.

If you need a material, size, or shape that you do not see mentioned, reach out! As you shim and gasket experts, we have the tools and knowledge to help.

For personalized customer service, call (201) 568-1000 or fill in the RFQ form here and a representative will contact you.

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